50 Years of the New York Convention - ICCA International Arbitration Conference N°14

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Further Reports and Commentary explore the two main themes of the Conference: Investment Treaty Arbitration/Treaty Arbitration, with contributions on:

- The Impact of Investment Treaty Arbitration: Identifying the Expectations, Testing the Assumptions;
- Investment Treaty Arbitration and Commercial Arbitration: Are They Different Bail Games?
- Remedies in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The Bottom Line; and
- The Enforcement of Investment Treaty Awards,

and Rules-Based Solutions to Procedural Issues, with contributions on:
- Multi-party Disputes;
- Consolidation of Claims;
- Summary Disposition; and
- Provisional Measures.

The volume also includes transcripts of the Round Table Session assessing the revisions to the UNCITRAL Rules on International Commercial Arbitration and of an Open Discussion on Recent Devqlopments in International Arbitration.

General editor Albert Jan van den Berg.
With the assistance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration The Hague.

EAN 9789041132123
ISBN 978-90-411-3212-3
Date de parution 05/03/2010
Nombres de pages 766
Type d’ouvrage Colloques - Etudes - Rapports
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Albert Jan Van den Berg
Editeur Kluwer Law International
Collection International Council for Commercial Arbitration
Sous-collection Congress series
Thème Droit > Droit international et étranger > Relations internationales
50 Years of the New York Convention - ICCA International Arbitration Conference N°14 | Lgdj.fr
50 Years of the New York Convention - ICCA International Arbitration Conference N°14
160,00 €