A Practical Guide to Public Procurement

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A Practical Guide to Public Procurement is a guide to the EU Legislation which governs the award of public contracts. Addressing an area of law that has been dramatically reshaped by the 2014 EU Procurement Directives, Abby Semple makes sense of the confused and sometimes contradictory issues within the directives and offers practical advice on how to interpret the law. "Ms. Semple's book places a mine of information at the disposai. of the reader... A fine addition to the treasury of public procurement written works" Lionel McCarthy, Managing Director, Achilles Procurement Services Key features include: > A complete overview of the 2014 Procurement Directives > Analysis of empirical studies on the effect of different procurement techniques > Numerous diagrams and charts showing timelines, scope of coverage, and procedures > Discussion of EU, UK, and Irish case Law Abby Semple, LL.B. (Dub) is a public procurement consultant who has managed tenders on behalf of public sector clients in Ireland and the UK, and worked on the development of procurement law and policy at EU level. Her areas of expertise include the EU Procurement Directives and green and socially responsible procurement. She writes and speaks frequently on procurement topics and is the author of guides on innovation and sustainability in procurement.

EAN 9780198716112
ISBN 978-0-19-871611-2
Date de parution 15/03/2015
Nombres de pages 256
Type d’ouvrage Guides pratiques
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Abby Semple
Editeur Oxford University Press
Thème Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit international privé
A Practical Guide to Public Procurement - Abby Semple | Lgdj.fr
A Practical Guide to Public Procurement
140,20 €