Business Guide to Trade and Investment

International Investment
80,00 €
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Focusing on Investment, this book provides an overview of rules applicable to making and protecting foreign investments. It will enable the business community, in-house counsel, and government counsel to better understand the types of protection provided by international investment agreements and investment contracts, as well as the range of issues that arise in the arbitration of investment disputes.

With contributions from 25 legal experts, the book addresses:
- preliminary issues that an organisation contemplating making a foreign investment must consider;
- sources of investors rights with respect to their investments;
- the substance of investors rights;
- important jurisdictional issues;
- the process of investor-state dispute settlement.

EAN 9789284204779
ISBN 978-92-842-0477-9
Date de parution 01/01/2018
Nombres de pages 216
Numéro du volume 2
Type d’ouvrage Guides pratiques
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Arthur E. Appleton, Patrick F.J. Macrory
Editeur Chambre de Commerce Internationale - C.C.I.
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit du commerce international
Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Arthur E. Appleton - Patrick F.J. Macrory |
Business Guide to Trade and Investment
80,00 €