Company Law in Context

Text and Materials
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Company Law in Context provides a fresh approach for students of company law or corporate governance. The textbook innovates by combining detailed up-to-date commentary with selected extracts from company law source materials. The book covers key cases in depth, enabling you to engage critically with judgments, issues, and policies.

Written in a lively and dynamic style, this text allows you to:
. examine company law within an economic, business, and social framework;
. gain practical insight into the lifecycle of a company by following a running case study throughout the book; and
. evaluate comparative materials (from the US and Germany in particular) to understand the distinctiveness of UK company law.

New to this edition:
. discussion of changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code and UK Stewardship Code;
. expanded coverage in chapter 15 (Enforcing Director's Duties) to cover the case law on the new derivative
daim mechanisms;
. discussion of the Supreme Court's decisions in Progress Property Company Ltd v Moorgarth Group Ltd (2011) and Re Paycheck Services 3 Ltd (2011); and
. discussion of the effects of Chandler v Cape Plc (2011) and O'Donnell v Shanaham (2009).

'...students who read this book emerge from their course equipped with an excellent understanding of company law, as well as an ability to critique the law in an intelligent and knowledgeable manner. Kershaw's contribution will be a welcome addition to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as an excellent point of reference for the seasoned researcher.'
Dr Justin Borg-Barthet, The Modern Law Review

'Kershaw takes seriously the aim of providing atheoretically grounded analysis, remaining accessible to students, with relevant questions to consider.
Chris Riley, Reader in Law, Durham University

A comprehensive Online Resource Centre supports this textbook:
. annotated web links to key online sources
. additional chapters
. interactive ('flashcard') glossary
. diagrams and charts in PowerPoint

David Kershaw is a Professor of Law at the London School of Economics.

EAN 9780199609321
ISBN 978-0-19-960932-1
Numéro d’édition 2
Date de parution 01/09/2012
Nombres de pages 890
Type d’ouvrage Manuels - Précis - Mémentos
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) David Kershaw
Editeur Oxford University Press
Thème Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit étranger
Company Law in Context - David Kershaw - 2e édition |
Company Law in Context
52,00 €