Competition Law Dictionary

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The Competition Law Dictionary, the first dictionary devoted to competition and antitrust law across borders, is a remarkable international undertaking aimed at all those whose work is impacted by this fundamental sector. With over 220 definitions, readers can immerse themselves in the intricacies of competition law, drawing on the insights of leading experts in the field. This indispensable resource provides practical guidance for both newcomers and seasoned professionals, shaping the di scourse and spurring innovation in the field of competition law.

With the publication of the Competition Law Dictionary, a unique contribution has corne on the market. This is a global book of knowledge for everyone engaged in antitrusticompetition policy.Eleanor Fox - Professor Emerita, NYU Law School

This well-structured and practical Competition Law Dictionary is a powerful tool to raise awareness and disseminate the benefits of competition for consumers, companies, and public administrations.Cani Fernândez - President, Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC)

EAN 9781939007056
ISBN 978-1-939007-05-6
Date de parution 01/06/2024
Nombres de pages 840
Type d’ouvrage Dictionnaires
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Deborah Healey, William E. Kovacic, Pablo Trevisan, Richard Whish
Editeur Concurrences
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit du commerce international
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Concurrence
Competition Law Dictionary - Deborah Healey - William E. Kovacic - Pablo Trevisan - Richard Whish |
Competition Law Dictionary
95,00 €