Cross-Border Insolvency Law

International Instruments and Commentary
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Recent insolvency cases highlight the growing importance of cross-border insolvency matters in international transactions. In order to obtain relevant information essential for conduct in such transactions, an insolvency lawyer needs to have access to the many relevant instruments that have been introduced and implemented in recent years, but that until now have not been available in any single place. This very useful volume collects, for the second time in one source, all important international and regional legal instruments relating to insolvency of companies and consumers, as well as to corporate rescue law. The book includes international and regional conventions, model laws, EU regulations and directives, and guiding principles produced by various international bodies (such as the World Bank, the United Nations Committee on International Trade Law ('UNCITRAL'), the American Law Institute, INSOL International, and INSOL Europe), and international and European restatements of insolvency law by scholars. In addition to reproducing the complete texts of these instruments, the editors provide insightful commentary covering such important matters as the following: • key issues of each text; • expected amendments and revisions; and • comparative analysis of instruments. A unique resource bringing together core material in the field of cross-border insolvency law and legislation, this book will be welcomed by international insolvency practitioners worldwide.

EAN 9789041159878
ISBN 978-90-411-5987-8
Numéro d’édition 2
Date de parution 15/11/2015
Nombres de pages 1 018
Type d’ouvrage Colloques - Etudes - Rapports
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Gert-Jan Boon, Bob Wessels
Editeur Kluwer Law International
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit financier / Droit bancaire / Droit du crédit / Droit boursier
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit du commerce international
Cross-Border Insolvency Law - Gert-Jan Boon - Bob Wessels - 2e édition |
Cross-Border Insolvency Law
287,00 €