Echoes from a distant shore: the right to education in international developpement

En anglais
88,00 €
Expédié sous 2 à 5 jours

Education is recognised in international law and policy as an essential foundation for individual and social development. While significant progress has been made in improving the availability of basic education, much remains to be done to ensure the full implementation of the right to education globally.
This multi-disciplinary study examines the legal rights and obligations connected to education with in international development cooperation. The responsibilities of states and of international organisations to respect, protect and fulfil educational rights are analysed. The specifie contribution of the World Bank, as the largest multilateral development agency is critiquel!
The realization of the right to education Worldwide requires the building of bridges between the currently distant disciplines of economies and human rîghts. This study provides concrete plans for the construction of these bridges.

EAN 9783725565498
ISBN 978-3-7255-6549-8
Date de parution 05/06/2012
Nombres de pages 436
Type d’ouvrage Colloques - Etudes - Rapports
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Joanne Bourke Martignoni
Editeur Schulthess
Thème Droit > Droit international et étranger > Autres ouvrages
Echoes from a distant shore: the right to education in international developpement - Joanne Bourke Martignoni |
Echoes from a distant shore: the right to education in international developpement
88,00 €