Execution of Court Judgements

Under the OHADA Uniform Act on Simplified Recovery Procedures and Measures of Execution
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An authoritative introduction to the law relating to the execution of court judgments in the seventeen member States of the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) :
. A panoramic view of the OHADA Uniform Act on Simplified Recovery Procedures and Measures of Execution
. Explains the background, critically examines the current laws with abundant cases and assesses the prospects for the future
. Makes sound recommendations for improvements of the execution regime put in place by OHADA
. Written for both Common Law and Civil Law trained legal practitioners, bailiffs, magistrates, law researchers and law students
. Authors are seasoned academicians, law trainers, expert legal translators and senior advocates with hands-on experience in the OHADA territories.

The Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, known by its French acronym, OHADA, is a system of business-related laws, designed to reduce transaction costs, promote transparency and predictability in business ventures. Its laws are directly applicable in 17 countries with more than 250 million people. The promulgation in 2010 of a law on the accession of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the OHADA Treaty followed by the deposition of ratification instruments is further proof of Africa's determination to improve investment climate and reassure investors. There is therefore clearly a dynamic trend toward harmonisation of applicable business laws in Africa spearheaded by OHADA.

Regrettably, adequate implementation of OHADA laws in member States remains the issue of concern, especially in Common Law jurisdictions. The main objective of this book is therefore to raise and discuss relevant issues that impede the smooth implementation of these laws. The intention of the authors is to familiarise practitioners and other stakeholders with the execution regime put in place by OHADA and to contribute towards promoting investment, economic growth and social development.

Martha Simo Tumnde, Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, University of Buea.
Justin Melong, Jurist/Expert Traîner in Law and Pedagogic Relay, ERSUMA, Senior Translator, Ministry of Justice, Cameroon.
Peter Monteh Tumnde, Senior Advocate of the Cameroon Bar.

EAN 9789956444700
ISBN 978-9956-444-70-0
Date de parution 15/01/2013
Nombres de pages 226
Type d’ouvrage Manuels - Précis - Mémentos
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Justin Melong, Peter Monteh Tumnde, Martha Simo Tumnde
Editeur Presses Universitaires d'Afrique
Thème Droit > Droit international et étranger > Contentieux et procédure / Juridictions internationales
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit OHADA
Execution of Court Judgements - Justin Melong - Peter Monteh Tumnde - Martha Simo Tumnde | Lgdj.fr
Execution of Court Judgements
30,00 €