Handbook on EU secondary legislation

Navigating through delegated and implementing acts
96,01 €
Expédié sous 2 à 5 jours

98% of EU rules are decided via Comitology and delegated acts, rather than via legislation. This shows the importance of these decision-making processes. The procedures are complex with many exceptions and derogations. Academic books have been published on the subject: they explain the “what” comitology and delegated acts are, but are silent on “how to” effectively operate in these processes. 
What European affairs practitioners need is a manual explaining each step of the different processes with diagrams, concrete cases, practical explanations. This is exactly what the Handbook on secondary legislation is all about : a book designed by practitioners for practitioners.
An indispensable tool to navigate effi ciently through the labyrinth of decision-making procedures.

Vicky Marissen, Praticien en affaires européennes, Professeur au Collège d’Europe.

Daniel Guéguen, Praticien en affaires européennes, Professeur au Collège d’Europe.

EAN 9782807211131
ISBN 978-2-8072-1113-1
Date de parution 11/07/2023
Nombres de pages 114
Type d’ouvrage Guides pratiques
Support Livre
Langue Français
Auteur(s) Daniel Guéguen, Vicky Marissen
Editeur Anthemis
Collection Hors collection
Thème Droit > Droit européen > Droit institutionnel
Handbook on EU secondary legislation - Daniel Guéguen - Vicky Marissen | Lgdj.fr
Handbook on EU secondary legislation
96,01 €