Information Exchange and Related Risks

A Juridictional Guide
235,00 €
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The prohibition on exchanging commercially sensitive information among competitors is one of the most fundamental antitrust rules. Companies and individuals may face potential expo-sure for anticompetitive information exchange, not only in their day-to-day business due to the applicable conduct and behavioral rules, but also in the context of M&A deals due to applicable gun jumping regulations. The Cartels Working Group of Antitrust Section of the International Bar Association has formulated a comparative guide across 28 jurisdictions, encompassing all global regions, to provide a compendium of best practices and key insights about leading cases, laws and regulations, as well as enforcement trends. Contributed by distinguished practitioners, each chapter provides an overview of the national competition rules and principles that guide information sharing in that jurisdiction, followed by the types of information sharing that may be caught, the enforcement policier and practices of the competition authority and applicable sanctions for parties that are found guilty of an illegal exchange of information. The book also provides a high level overview by the editors outlining trends observed across jurisdictions, to provide insight to the international business community, their advisors as well as to competition authorities.

The jurisdictions covered include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, European Union, Finland, France, Germany', India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.

Foreword by Anthony M. Collins.
Zoltén Marosi, Marcio Soares (eds.)
Zoltén Marosi is Co-Head of competition at DIA Piper Budapest. Zolkin acts as the newsletter officer of the Antitrust Section of the International Bar Association (IBA) and is a member of its Unilateral Conduct Working Group.
Marcio Soares is a Partner within the antitrust practice ut Mattos Filho in Brazil. He acts as co-chair of the Cartels Working Group of the Antitrust Section of the International Bar Association (IBA), and is a member of the Board of the Brazilian Institute of Studies on Competition, Consumer Affairs and International Trade (IBRAC).

EAN 9781954750029
ISBN 978-19-54750-02-9
Date de parution 15/09/2022
Nombres de pages 516
Type d’ouvrage Colloques - Etudes - Rapports
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Zoltan Marosi, Marcio Soares
Editeur Concurrences
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit du commerce international
Information Exchange and Related Risks - Zoltan Marosi - Marcio Soares |
Information Exchange and Related Risks
235,00 €