La criminalité en mer - Crimes at Sea
- Auteur : E.D. Papastavridis, K.N. Trapp
- Editeur : Martinus Nijhoff
- Collection : Académie de Droit International de La Haye
- Parution : 01/09/2014
- EAN : 9789004268074
- 734 pages
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Avec la sophistication constante de l'organisation des crimes transnationaux et la globalisation qui dépend largement du transport maritime, la lutte contre les actes criminels en mer se profile encore davantage comme une priorité pour la communauté internationale. Le thème au coeur de ce volume est donc la criminalité en mer un problème tant d'une importance pratique considérable que d'un grand intérêt académique. L'ouvrage est le fruit des travaux du Centre d'étude et de recherche de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye tenu en 2012. De manière collective, les divers chapitres mettent en évidence, au niveau légal, les défis communs auxquels la coopération internationale fait face dans le domaine des crimes en mer et identifient nombre de forces et faiblesses potentielles dans le droit international applicable. Les sujets abordés dans cet ouvrage sont très variés, certains mettant l'accent sur des crimes particuliers, d'autres sur le cadre juridique général dans lequel les réponses à la criminalité en mer opèrent. Au fil de ce volume se retrouve un thème commun, à savoir l'interaction entre les régimes juridiques - explorant les limites et les efficiences résultant du chevauchement des régimes applicables (y compris les droits de l'homme, le droit pénal international, le droit de responsabilité de l'Etat, et le régime de la Charte des Nations Unies). Les contributions illustrent et clarifient les liens significatifs existant entre ces ordres juridiques qui soutiennent la lutte contre les actes criminels en mer.
With the increasing sophistication of transnational criminal organization, coupled with globalization and its heavy dependence on maritime transport, the suppression of criminality at sca has again become a priority on the international community's agenda. The theme at the heart of this volume is therefore Crimes at Sea - an issue of both great practical importance and academic interest. This work is the fruit of the 2012 session of the Hague Academy Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations - collectively, the fourteen chapters in this volume underscore the common challenges in international co-operation at the legal level with respect to crimes at sea and identify a number of the potential strengths and shortcomings of the applicable international law. There is a wide breadth of subject matters addressed in this volume, some focusing on particular crimes at sea, others on the general international legal framework within which responses to criminality at sea operate. Throughout the volume, there is a common theme of regime interaction - exploring the limits and efficiencies resulting from the overlapping applicability of human rights law, international criminal law, the law of State responsibility and the UN Charter regime. The contributions both illustrate and clarify the significant links between these legal regimes which support the fight against crimes at sea.
With the increasing sophistication of transnational criminal organization, coupled with globalization and its heavy dependence on maritime transport, the suppression of criminality at sca has again become a priority on the international community's agenda. The theme at the heart of this volume is therefore Crimes at Sea - an issue of both great practical importance and academic interest. This work is the fruit of the 2012 session of the Hague Academy Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations - collectively, the fourteen chapters in this volume underscore the common challenges in international co-operation at the legal level with respect to crimes at sea and identify a number of the potential strengths and shortcomings of the applicable international law. There is a wide breadth of subject matters addressed in this volume, some focusing on particular crimes at sea, others on the general international legal framework within which responses to criminality at sea operate. Throughout the volume, there is a common theme of regime interaction - exploring the limits and efficiencies resulting from the overlapping applicability of human rights law, international criminal law, the law of State responsibility and the UN Charter regime. The contributions both illustrate and clarify the significant links between these legal regimes which support the fight against crimes at sea.
EAN | 9789004268074 |
ISBN | 978-90-04-26807-4 |
Date de parution | 01/09/2014 |
Nombres de pages | 734 |
Type d’ouvrage | Colloques - Etudes - Rapports |
Support | Livre |
Langue | Français |
Auteur(s) | E.D. Papastavridis, K.N. Trapp |
Editeur | Martinus Nijhoff |
Collection | Académie de Droit International de La Haye |
Thème | Droit > Droit pénal & procédure pénale > Droit pénal international |