La sécurisation juridique de l'investissement dans l'OHADA
Le droit des sûretés à l'épreuve du recouvrement des créances
- Auteur : Geneviève Bremond Sarr
- Editeur : Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses - A.N.R.T.
- Parution : 02/03/2005
- EAN : 9782729566388
- 381 pages
Non disponible actuellement
Devant le ralentissement des investissements en Afrique, le besoin s'est fait sentir de reconstruire un ensemble juridique moderne adapté aux exigences d'investissement. Après quatre décennies d'indépendance, les législations des pays essentiellement de la zone franc ont signé le 17 septembre 1993 le traité portant Organisation en Afrique du droit des affaires visant à garantir la sécurité juridique et judiciaire de la zone OHADA. Le droit dérivé issu de ce traité a donné naissance à divers actes uniformes dont l'acte uniforme portant organisation des sûretés et l'acte uniforme portant organisation des procédures simplifiées de recouvrement et des voies d'exécution. A travers essentiellement ces deux actes, l'auteur analyse dans quelle mesure les opérateurs économiques bénéficient d'une meilleure garantie de recouvrement de leurs investissements face aux risques d'impayé. La première partie de l'ouvrage met en avant les efforts du législateur à élaborer des outils d'encadrement du crédit, par la mise en place notamment du registre du commerce et du crédit mobilier visant l'inscription des garanties mobilières, mais aussi en élaborant un ensemble de sûretés faisant appel tant à des références traditionnelles notamment en droit français qu'en instituant de nouvelles garanties à l'instar de la lettre de garantie issue de la pratique internationale. L'analyse se poursuit par l'étude des voies d'exécution, objet de la deuxième partie. En ce domaine, le législateur opère une scission entre les mesures conservatoires et les voies d'exécution visant à l'exécution des biens mobiliers ou immobiliers débouchant sur la distribution des deniers. En redorant le blason du titre exécutoire, le législateur donne aux créanciers les moyens d'un recouvrement efficace. L'analyse des premières décisions rendues sur la base des actes uniformes permet de mesurer les orientations jurisprudentielles.
The slowdown in investments in Africa has made it necessary to build a modern legal body that is better adapted to meet the demands of investment. Four decades after their independence, a number of countries (mainly members of the franc zone) signed on September 17, 1993, the treaty on the organization of business law in Africa, aiming at guaranteeing legal and judicial security in the OHADA (Organisation for the harmonisation of business law in Africa) zone. Secondary legislation stemming from this treaty gave rise to different uniform acts such as the uniform act on organizing seucrities and the uniform act on organizing summary debt collection procedures and measures of execution. The author studies the extent to which economic operators, mainly through the two above-mentioned acts, benefit from a better guarantee on the recovery of their investments against the risks of outstanding payments. the first part of this thesis presents efforts made by lawmakers to elaborate credit restriction tools, mainly through the setting up of the trade and personal property credit register, which aims at registering movable securities, and also by either elaborating a set of guarantees based on traditional refernces, particularly on French law, or by establishing new guarantees such as the letter of guarantee used in international transactions. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the measures of execution. In this field, the law makes a distinction between preventive measures and the measures of execution concerning moveable and immoveable property resulting in the distribution of funds. By re-establishing the writ of execution, the law provides creditors with the means to insure a more efficient recovery of their claims. It is possible to assess case-law tendencies through the analysis of the first decisions rendered on the basis of uniform acts.
The slowdown in investments in Africa has made it necessary to build a modern legal body that is better adapted to meet the demands of investment. Four decades after their independence, a number of countries (mainly members of the franc zone) signed on September 17, 1993, the treaty on the organization of business law in Africa, aiming at guaranteeing legal and judicial security in the OHADA (Organisation for the harmonisation of business law in Africa) zone. Secondary legislation stemming from this treaty gave rise to different uniform acts such as the uniform act on organizing seucrities and the uniform act on organizing summary debt collection procedures and measures of execution. The author studies the extent to which economic operators, mainly through the two above-mentioned acts, benefit from a better guarantee on the recovery of their investments against the risks of outstanding payments. the first part of this thesis presents efforts made by lawmakers to elaborate credit restriction tools, mainly through the setting up of the trade and personal property credit register, which aims at registering movable securities, and also by either elaborating a set of guarantees based on traditional refernces, particularly on French law, or by establishing new guarantees such as the letter of guarantee used in international transactions. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the measures of execution. In this field, the law makes a distinction between preventive measures and the measures of execution concerning moveable and immoveable property resulting in the distribution of funds. By re-establishing the writ of execution, the law provides creditors with the means to insure a more efficient recovery of their claims. It is possible to assess case-law tendencies through the analysis of the first decisions rendered on the basis of uniform acts.
EAN | 9782729566388 |
ISBN | 978-2-7295-6638-8 |
Date de parution | 02/03/2005 |
Nombres de pages | 381 |
Type d’ouvrage | Thèses |
Support | Livre |
Langue | Français |
Auteur(s) | Geneviève Bremond Sarr |
Editeur | Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses - A.N.R.T. |
Thème | Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit financier / Droit bancaire / Droit du crédit / Droit boursier |
Thème secondaire | Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit OHADA |