Liber Amicorum in honour of Sven Norberg

A european for all seasons
  • Auteur :  Collectif
  • Editeur : Bruylant
  • Parution : 17/04/2007
  • EAN : 9782802722243
  • 610 pages
116,65 €
Non disponible actuellement chez l'éditeur

Sven Norberg has, inter alia, served as Director of the Legal Affairs department at the EFTA Secretariat, as Judge of the EFTA Court and as Director at the DG Competition in the European Commission.

He was instrumental to the successful conclusion of the EEA Agreement, being in charge of a team of lawyers servicing the different EFTA negotiating groups preparing the EEA Agreement with particular responsibility for the Negotiating Group on Legal and Institutional Questions. He also played a central role in the preparation and drafting of the new Regulation 1/2003 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 EC. He has been actively involved in the setting up and running of the Master of European Affairs Program at the Lund University, is a judge in the European Law Moot Court Competition and is co-author to several books and has written numerous articles on Community and EEA law.

In this Liber Amicorum, friends and colleagues pay tribute to Sven Norberg at the occasion of his retirement from the DG Competition in December 2005. The book contains articles by a number of prominent authors, including present and formers members of the European and national judiciaries, members of the services of other EU institutions and of the EFTA Secretariat, academics from different European universities as well as practitioners from government services and from leading European law firms. The contributions focus mainly on EU competition law and on EEA Law, but also other parts of EU, international and national law are dealt with.

EAN 9782802722243
ISBN 978-2-8027-2224-3
Date de parution 17/04/2007
Nombres de pages 610
Type d’ouvrage Mélanges
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Collectif
Editeur Bruylant
Liber Amicorum in honour of Sven Norberg -  Collectif |
Liber Amicorum in honour of Sven Norberg
116,65 €