New frontiers of antitrust - 2013

57,14 €
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This volume contains the papers presented at the annual Concurrences Journal conference held on 22 February 2013 at the French Parliament.

After a key note paper from Commissionner Joaquin Almunia on the state of competition policy enforcement in the EU in 2013, the papers adress four main issues :

. Opening competition in protected sectors: Should new entrants be protected?
. Personal data: Will competition law collide with privacy?
. Private enforcement: Will the wave be coming from Brussels, London, Paris or elsewhere?
. Industrial policy: Can a pro-competition industrial policy exist?

The volume ends by a contribution of Fleur Pellerin on innovation and competition.

EAN 9782802741091
ISBN 978-2-8027-4109-1
Date de parution 22/10/2013
Nombres de pages 218
Type d’ouvrage Colloques - Etudes - Rapports
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Nicolas Charbit
Editeur Bruylant
Collection Competition Law
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Concurrence
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit européen > Autres ouvrages
New frontiers of antitrust - 2013 - Nicolas Charbit |
New frontiers of antitrust - 2013
57,14 €