Private Sector Investor in Infrastructure

Project Finance, PPP Projects and PPP Frameworks

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Investment in infrastructure is critical to economic growth, quality of lite, poverty reduction, access to education, good quality healthcare, and achieving many of the goals of a robust and dynamic economy. However, infrastructure is difficult for the public sector to get right. This remarkably insightful and enormously useful book, now in its third edition, shows how the pnvate sector (through public - private partnerships - PPP) can provide more efficient procurement through cheaper, faster, and better quality; refocus infrastructure services on consumer satisfaction and lite cycle maintenance; place the financial burden of providing infrastructure on consumers rather than taxpayers; and provide new sources of investment, in particular through limited recourse debt li.e., proiect financing) Taking the particular challenges associated with PPP fully int° account this book provides a practical guide to PPP in ail the following ways and more: - how governments can enable and encourage PPP; - how PPP financing works; - what PPP contractual structures look like; and - most importantly, how PPP risk allocation works in practice. Specific discussion of each infrastructure sector is provided. Lawyers and business people, civil engineers, economic development officiais and specialists, banking and insurance professionals, and academics will ail find the ground well covered in this book, as well as new ground Broken.

EAN 9789041162731
Numéro d’édition 3
Date de parution 15/11/2015
Nombres de pages 526
Type d’ouvrage Colloques - Etudes - Rapports
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Jeffrey Delmon
Editeur Kluwer Law International
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit financier / Droit bancaire / Droit du crédit / Droit boursier
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit international privé
Private Sector Investor in Infrastructure - Jeffrey Delmon - 3e édition |
Private Sector Investor in Infrastructure
250,00 €