Revue d'économie financière, 4e trimestre 2021 N°144

New Doctrines in Central Banking
32,00 €
Expédié sous 6 à 10 jours

New Doctrines in Central Banking : Introduction Lessons Learned from Crises Benoît Coeuré, Hans-Helmut Kotz Background Conditions : Inexorable Decline of the « Natural » Rate of Interest : Central Banks Adapt to New Challenges Agustín Carstens Why Have Policy Rates Been so Persistently Low in the Euro Area ? Frank Smets A Qualified Defense of Functional Finance : Secular Stagnation, Growth and Inflation Come Poirier, Xavier Ragot The Need for New Doctrines, New Monetary Strategies : The Monetary Policy Strategy of the European Central Bank Philip R. Lane The Federal Reserve's New Framework : Context and Consequences Richard H. Clarida The Challenges of a More Demanding Environment on Monetary Policy François Villeroy de Galhau, Vincent Bignon, Bruno Cabrillac New Monetary Policy Guidelines : Losing the Anchor ? Otmar Issing Reading Central Banks - Does Unconventional Blur the Picture ? Dirk Schumacher Too Close to Justify ? Fiscalization of Monetary Policy : Limiting the Fiscalisation of Central Banks Stephen G. Cecchetti, Kermit L Schoenholtz The Fiscal Dimension of Monetary Policy and Central Bank Autonomy : Lessons from Two Crises Athanasios Orphanides Widening Horizon : Additional Challenges : Climate Change : What Role for Central Banks ? Sabine Mauderer, David Döhrmann, Joschka Gerigk The Asymmetric Relationship of Central Banks to Market-Based Finance : Weighing Financial Stability Implications in the Light of Covid Events Matthias Thiemann The Sovereignty of Money and its Historical Transformations : the Invention of Central Bank Digital Money in the 21st Century and its Geopolitical Consequences Michel Aglietta, Natacha Valla The Societal Responsibility of Central Banks Laurence Scialom The European Central Bank : What Accountability to the European Parliament, Corollary of its Independence in Order to Assure its Credibility and its Legitimacy ? Pervenche Berès Financial History Chronicle : Did the Financial Markets See the Great War Coming ? Tobias A. Jopp Varia : Does the Evolution of Prudential Standards Affect the Risk of Non-Compliance Banks in CEMAC Countries ? Désiré Avom, Rodrigue Nana Kuindja

EAN 9782376470755
ISBN 978-2-37647-075-5
Date de parution 28/04/2022
Nombres de pages 266
Type d’ouvrage Revues
Support Revue
Langue Français
Auteur(s) Association d'Economie Financière
Editeur Association d'Economie Financière
Collection Revue de l'Association d'Economie Financière
Thème Économie > Monnaie / Institutions / Politiques monétaires
Revue d'économie financière, 4e trimestre 2021 N°144 -  Association d'Economie Financière |
Revue d'économie financière, 4e trimestre 2021 N°144
32,00 €