Rights of minority shareholders

XXIth Congress of the international Academy of Comparative Law - Brisbane 2002 - En anglais
121,70 €
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The protection (and the rights) of shareholders is always an important topic of any corporation law. It becomes a "hot" issue, when it comes to minority shareholders: Such protection justifies their position as members of a company, prevents abuses, and makes of the investment a reasonable proposition. The protection of minority shareholders ultimately protects the company and the economic system, as whole. On the other hand, it can throw roadblocks to the initiatives of the majority and the management, give arms to the enemies of the company or cause a civil war. In a world of globalized economy it was essential to make a comparative assessment of the situation in this delicate area and see what is being done now, and if improvements are needed. This was the purpose of the reports presented at the XVI Congress of Comparative Law held in July 2002 at Brisbane (Australia).

EAN 9782802718475
ISBN 978-2-8027-1847-5
Date de parution 16/12/2004
Nombres de pages 792
Type d’ouvrage Documents
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Evanghelos Perakis
Editeur Bruylant
Collection Académie internationale de droit comparé
Rights of minority shareholders - Evanghelos Perakis | Lgdj.fr
Rights of minority shareholders
121,70 €