Sourcebook on International Children's Rights

En anglais
  • Auteur :  Collectif
  • Editeur : Bruylant
  • Parution : 22/07/2009
  • EAN : 9782802727088
  • 614 pages
35,50 €
Non disponible actuellement chez l'éditeur

This collection of basic international instruments dealing with children's rights contains international conventions, declarations, recommendations and other documents specifically applicable to children. Besides the Convention on the Rights of the Child, its two Optional Protocols and the most significant documents issued by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, it also includes international instruments related to private international law, child labour, education, juvenile justice and children victims of traffick-ing. In addition, the collection incorporates the International Bill of Human Rights, the UN Millennium Declaration and key regional human rights instruments which are all equally important for interpreting children's rights.
This sourcebook will be a valuable companion for numerous practitioners working in the area of children's rights, both on the national and on the international level. It will also enable students of interdisciplinary academic programmes in children's rights to have simple and reliably access to the international documents that make up the core of international legal sources in children's rights.

EAN 9782802727088
ISBN 978-2-8027-2708-8
Date de parution 22/07/2009
Nombres de pages 614
Type d’ouvrage Documents
Support Livre
Langue Plusieurs langues
Auteur(s) Collectif
Editeur Bruylant
Thème Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit étranger
Sourcebook on International Children's Rights -  Collectif |
Sourcebook on International Children's Rights
35,50 €