The protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean-Black Sea ecosystem

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The contributions of this volume stem from an international conference held by ICEF in Venice (Italy), on 24 - 26 May 2007, which brought together jurists and experts, country delegates, representatives from the EU and the UN specialised bodies and the civil society to discuss possible ways to improve and strengthen the protection and the sustainable development of the interconnected Mediterranean and Black Sea cosystems. Members of the judiciary and representatives of the competent ministries as well as experts and scholars from universities and research centres were requested to prepare national reports on the actual application, in their countries, of the regulations regarding the protection and sustainable development of these ecosystems. The exchange and comparison of data and experiences among the main actors involved in the protection of the environment at the national, regional and international levels, has allowed identifying priorities and best practices and the most effective strategies of prevention, monitoring and pollution emergency response.

BIAGINI Alfredo, BJÄLLAS Ulf, BRAUNOVIC Slavica, BULJAN Katarina, CARNELOS Angelica, CLAUDEL-USIN Astrid, CLINI Corrado, CONSO Giovanni, CORDINI Giovanni, CORRADINI Annalisa, COSTOPOULOS Vassili Th., COUSTEAU Francine, CZYBULKA Detlef, DEJEANT-PONS Maguelonne, DI MARCO Giuseppe, DORNER Dalia, DRUPSTEEN Thijs G., EXELL-PIRRO Deirdre, FANTILLI Patrizia, FRANCIONI Francesco, GALAN Giancarlo, GIANNÍ Alessandro, GOLITSYN Vladimir, GOSHOVSKA Tatiana V., GUIHAL Dominique, HEBERT Frédéric, JIJIIE Corina Michaela, KADIOGLU Sedat, KIDEYS Ahmet, KRSIKAPA Majda, KUBLASHVILI Konstantine, KUSPILIC Grozdan, LAÇI Sabri, LAVRYSEN Luc, LAWRENCE David Grant, MAGGIORE Angelo, MANCE Marijana A., MARCHISIO Sergio, MARTINOJA Désirée, MEZGHANI Ridha, MIFSUD Paul, MONTANARI Pinuccia, MONTI Lavinia, MOUMMI Saad, NERIO CARUGNO Giuseppe, ORAL Nilufer, PANARITI Narin, POSTIGLIONE Amedeo, PRATESI Fulco, PUGLISI Giovanni, RADCHENKO Victoria, RAICEVIC Miroslava, REED Robert, SCOVAZZI Tullio, SIMSEK Tacettin, SKRK Mirjam, SMYTH Thomas, SOMMA Roberto, SORSA Martina, STACIOKAS Stasys, STEC Stephen, TINELLI Celestina, VAN KLAVEREN Patrick, VIGLIOTTI Rosario, VLAVIANOS-ARVANITIS Agni, ZAVADSKY Ivan.

EAN 9782802725701
ISBN 978-2-8027-2570-1
Date de parution 01/05/2008
Nombres de pages 928
Type d’ouvrage Documents
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Amedeo Postiglione
Editeur Bruylant
Thème Droit > Droit de l'environnement
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit international et étranger > Autres ouvrages
The protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean-Black Sea ecosystem - Amedeo Postiglione |
The protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean-Black Sea ecosystem
177,00 €