Transnational Commercial Law

Texts, Cases and Materials
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When the first edition of this student work was published some eight years ago transnational commercial law, introduced as a postgraduate course at the University of Oxford in 1995, was taught at a relatively small number of law schools. Since then the subject has blossomed and is now taught at law schools around the world. Focused on the products and processes of the harmonization of law relating to international commercial transactions, the book is an invaluable resource for students in this field, with narrative text, extracts, seminar questions, and further reading. In this new edition the work has been completely revised and updated, covering a number of new or substantially revised international instruments. In addition three new chapters have been added by specialist contributors dealing with regional harmonization, canine of goods by sea, and the relationship between international conventions and national law. The authority of the text is enhanced by the fact that all the authors have played leading roles in the drafting and development of many of the instruments examined in the work. Roy Goode is Emeritus Professor of Law in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of St John's College, Oxford. Herbert Kronke is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws and International Business Law at Heidelberg University. Ewan McKendrick is Registrar of the University of Oxford, Professor of English Private Law and Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford.

EAN 9780198735441
ISBN 978-0-19-873544-1
Numéro d’édition 2
Date de parution 15/09/2015
Nombres de pages 706
Type d’ouvrage Manuels - Précis - Mémentos
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) Roy Goode, Herbert Kronke, Ewan McKendrick
Editeur Oxford University Press
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit du commerce international
Transnational Commercial Law - Roy Goode - Herbert Kronke - Ewan McKendrick - 2e édition |
Transnational Commercial Law
69,80 €