Unified Business Laws for Africa

Common Law Perspectives on OHADA
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- An authoritative introduction to the commercial laws being instituted through the OHADA harmonization process.
- Written for English speaking, common law trained, professionals and academic lawyers.
- Explains the background, describes the current laws and assesses the prospects for the future.
- Contributors include leading lawyers with hands-on experience in the OHADA territories and ail are common law trained.

The accession of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the OHADA Treaty, as the seventeenth member state, is a major development for Africa and for OHADA which now becomes the business law of 250 million people. Understanding the OHADA laws is crucial for any organization investing or developing business in Africa.

As OHADA (Organization for Harmonization in Africa of Business Laws) is largely based on the Francophone legal system, it is now essential to make its laws and principles accessible to a broader audience of international attorneys and their clients, particularly at this time when Africa has become of growing interest to the international business and investor community. The OHADA system has so far been adopted by now 17 West and Central African nations, in order to increase their attractiveness to foreign investors and business partners.

Now in a fully updated second edition, this book introduces OHADA laws to common law trained, English-speaking jurists who have current or prospective clients with business or litigation in West or Central Africa. For legal academics, the book also offers a tantalizing view of the highest technical level of commercial legal practice in the OHADA region.

Edited by Claire Moore Dickerson.
Authors : Martha Simo Tumnde, née Njikam, Mohammed Baba Idris, Jean Alain Penda Matipé, John Ademola Yakubu, Claire Moore Dickerson.

EAN 9781846731976
ISBN 978-1-84673-197-6
Numéro d’édition 2
Date de parution 14/08/2012
Nombres de pages 191
Type d’ouvrage Manuels - Précis - Mémentos
Support Livre
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) John Ademola Yakubu, Mohammed Baba Idris, Claire Moore Dickerson, Jean Alain Penda M., Martha Simo Tumnde
Editeur Association pour l'Unification du Droit en Afrique - U.N.I.D.A.
Thème Droit > Droit commercial et des affaires > Droit du commerce international
Thème secondaire Droit > Droit international et étranger > Droit OHADA
Unified Business Laws for Africa | Lgdj.fr
Unified Business Laws for Africa
50,00 €